Tabletop 101
Paint Your First Mini: A Step-by-Step Guide
Ready to take the next step and bring your miniatures to life with some colorful flair? Whether you’re gearing up for a D&D campaign, a wargame skirmish, or just want to add some pizzazz to your board game pieces, this step-by-step guide will take you from blank mini to masterpiece. Let’s dive in!
How to Get Into Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game (MESBG)
reetings again, fellow wanderer! Do you feel like this scorching weather’s a good time to stay inside and play some wargames? Well, let me tell you all about how you can start your journey in Middle-Earth. Oh, it’s much simpler than at first glance, so you don’t need to sell your soul to Sauron. Well, at least not for this game…
Why Play Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game (MESBG)
MESBG (Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game) is a miniatures wargame designed by Games Workshop which puts you in the middle of the greatest moments in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, right alongside all the iconic heroes and villains.
5 Easy Steps to Get Into Wargaming
Thinking of starting to play wargaming but you don’t know where should you start? Here’s 5 easy steps to get into wargaming!
Wargaming Gift Guide
There’s an early Secret Santa raffle at your job, but you forgot to buy your colleague something. All you know is he enjoys this hobby, “wargaming.” What do you do? Do you buy him a fancy pen?
Painting miniatures – How to use paint
Wargaming is a fun and exciting hobby and part of the fun consists of assembling and painting miniatures. Previosly I showed you all the useful tools for assembling and painting your miniatures. In this article we’re look at the differences between paints and how you can use them.
Useful tools for painting your miniatures
Wargaming is a fun and exciting game, and part of the fun consists of assembling and painting your miniatures. Today we’ll help you make a more informed decision in buying the paints, primers, brushes and other tools that are useful to paint your minis.
Useful tools for assembling your miniatures
Wargaming is a fun and exciting game, and part of the fun consists of assembling and painting your miniatures. We’ll help make a more informed decision in buying the tools that are useful to assemble your minis.
Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game – Escalation Conflict Diary Entry 1
We’ll be hosting in October an Escalating Conflict for Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. In this article Raul explains his method of preparing to the epic battle.
Intro to Miniature Wargames
Intro into Wargames is a small guide for those who’d like to get into wargames. You’ll get to know the basic idea behind them, recommendations of games and communities you can join.
Guide to Skirmish Miniature Wargames
So you want to get into miniature wargames, but you want to start slow, with a minimum of financial investment, and grow from there. I have selected some cool games to consider before going big and moving to more massive games.
Warhammer Community in Cluj
TABLETOP 101 Warhammer Community in Cluj-NapocaThe Guild Hall is the place where your wargaming hobby can flourish and become a regular thing. Today we shall talk about why becoming a member of the Guild Hall is a wonderful idea when it comes to miniature wargames and...