Miniature Wargames
Useful tools for assembling your miniatures
by Vlad, Quartermaster @ The Guild Hall
March 23 2020
Wargaming is a fun and exciting hobby! Part of the fun consists of assembling and painting your miniatures. Today, with this article, I will help become more informed about the tools that you are going to need to assemble your miniatures.
A very useful thing to know when starting to assemble your miniatures is that not all tools are essential – some are used just for very specific steps and are not used that often.
Hobby Cutter / Plastic Clippers
These are essential in cutting the model parts (bits) out of the sprue. You’ll need to identify the bit that you want to cut out, use the flat part of the clippers to cut as close as you can, and start sniping around the bits. Just be careful to hold the bit when you snip off the last piece, so you don’t lose it (nobody wants to start looking for a tiny piece of plastic in their carpet).
Sculpting Tools
After you have your part cut off the sprue, it’s a good idea to remove the mould line, if you have any; if not just skip this step. With the mould line remover, all you have to do is draw the tool along the mould lines to scrape them away with ease.
File Set
Files are used to remove the small imperfections that may appear when you cut the model from its frame. They can, however, also be replaced with a hobby knife.
Mini Saw
For more experienced people, looking to create some custom miniatures, this is a perfect tool for precision modelling and conversion, designed to cut through resin and plastic quickly, cleanly, and efficiently.
Hobby Knife
In most cases, this tool combines the mould line remover, file and mini saw together, so there is no argument that this is one of the best tools to have at your disposal.
Super / Basing / Plastic Glue
Depending on the material you are working with, you should use super glue for metal and resin, basing glue when gluing things to the base, and plastic glue for… well, I’ll let you guess which material.
Mini Drill
Drills are great for pinning together parts of miniatures that may need a little extra support, like securing the enormous skeletal wings of a zombie dragon onto its body. They are also great for creating holes in gun barrels, or when you want to magnetize arms/weapons so you can have more customization options for your model.
Green Stuff
Green Stuff is a two-part modelling putty that is useful for filling in gaps on models and/or sculpting additional details. When the two initial colours of the product (yellow and blue) mix, they form a green putty that can be applied to plastic, resin, and metal miniatures and then molded into any shape. Once it has fully dried, Green Stuff is solid enough to glue to other components, and you can paint over it with your regular paints.
Finally, the most important thing to know before you start assembling miniatures is that you should always have a quick read of the instruction booklet that comes with the kit. That will help you get familiar with how the parts should be put together. You will also notice that the pieces from the sprues are numbered – which will help you find them faster on the frame.
If you want to find out more about this amazing hobby and you want to be part of a passionate community, join us at The Guild Hall! Check out the upcoming miniature painting events and don’t hesitate to connect with us on the wargaming channels on our Discord server!!
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